Our Focus

producing data-driven research and evidence-based initiatives in the following areas




Economic Resilience






Psycho-social support


Bilim recognizes education as a critical factor in economic growth, social cohesion, health and well-being, civic engagement, and prosperity of a society. Bilim is committed to generating scientific research in the following areas: 

  • Learning and Cognition: 

    Our research produces scientific insights into how people in general and students in particular learn.  We examine the process of memory creation and retention, motivation and inspiration, meta-cognition, and the ability to perform in linguistic and computational tasks.

  • Curriculum

    Through scientific research, we investigate the design, implementation, and effectiveness of curriculums. We are well-positioned to provide contextually relevant insights into curriculum development, learning assessment, pedagogy, and teacher training. 

  • Education and Society

    We recognize the critical role of society to facilitate learning and skill development. Some key thematic areas that could shed light on the social aspect of education include collaboration (the ability to work and study in a group), diversity (exposure to different backgrounds, cultures, and perspectives), communication skills (the ability to convey thoughts and ideas effectively), and emotional development (managing the relations with oneself,  family, and the broader community).

  • Education and Technology

    We understand that education is going through a rapid transformation in the age of information as a result of which learning and teaching have been redefined. We focus on producing knowledge in the following thematic areas:
    1. Access to Information
    2. Distance Learning
    3. Online Education
    4. Personalized Learning
    5. Learning and Communication