Our Team

We are committed to advance knowledge through scientifically rigorous research enabling data-driven and inform decision-making on migration, education, public policy and governance, and culture in Afghanistan by

Our Team


Founding Partner

Hedayatullah Sediqi

Academic research illuminates the corridors of knowledge, enriching our understanding of society, culture, and challenges unique to our nation. It fosters an environment of learning and innovation, shaping the minds of future leaders. When coupled with informed decision-making, rooted in rigorous research, it becomes a catalyst for change. Informed decisions, based on empirical data and insights, guide our policies and actions, ensuring they are targeted and effective. Together, academic research and informed decision-making stand as beacons, illuminating our path toward a prosperous Afghanistan, where knowledge is the key to lasting transformation."


Founding Partner

Shapoor Hamid

Cultivating a culture of research-driven decision-making lies at the heart of our mission in Afghanistan. As founding partner, I've witnessed the impact of research in shaping our strategies and transforming communities. Research isn't merely statistics; it's the cornerstone of our initiatives, ensuring their precision and effectiveness. By understanding the nuanced challenges our nation faces, we empower ourselves to innovate and adapt. Informed decisions, rooted in solid research, enable us to bring tangible change to people's lives. Your continued support fortifies our commitment to this cause. let's champion the transformative power of research and usher in a brighter, more prosperous Afghanistan.